Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Day 22

September 19, 2011
Distance biked: 45 miles
Berea, KY- Harrodsburg, KY

Our hearts were heavy with farewells from our Berea college family as we biked in the rain. I am sure their rain barrel filled wonderfully dripping from their gutter eventually making it to beautiful cabbage. Jackson got the trips first flat tire. He found the piece that popped it, it was a thin piece of metal, we changed it in the rain and proceeded. Eating dinner in Harrodburg the four of us met an amazing couple, the Sullivans, who let us hang out at their beautiful house and talk the night away. The connections were intense and we slept in awe at the way strangers can come together so quick and develope bonds so fast as well.


  1. Your readers demand a day in the life post! How long do you bike each day? How do you determine where you will sleep and generally where do you end up? Photo captions! Interesting stories and drama!

  2. It's tough to keep all the details on the road! We'll do more photo captions this time. Eat me.
